The Mothers-In-Law (sitcom, starring Eve Arden)

    (NBC Primetime, 1967 - 1969)

    [This was the third TV series for sitcom favorite Eve Arden, who
     first become famous on radio/TV as "Our Miss Brooks" (1952-56),
     then starred in "The Eve Arden Show" (1957-58.) In this series,
     Herb Rudley played Eve's husband Herb, and Desilu exec producer
     Desi Arnaz made occassional cameo appearances in the role of
     a bullfighter named Raphael del Gado, who happened to drop in.]

Theme: "The Mothers-In-Law Theme"

    [above is title in the ASCAP database; other title variations
     aka: "The Mothers-In-Law (The Main & End Title)"
     aka: "The Mothers-In-Law Opening and Closing Theme"]

     Composer: Jeff Alexander (ASCAP)

     1978 Publisher: Desi Arnaz Prod., Inc. (ASCAP)
     2001 Publisher: Desilu Too, LLC (ASCAP)
                        of Boulder City, NV

     Copyright Date:
     Renewal   Date: 


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